STAR Program Eligibility

  1.  Target Students: Current high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors
  2. Proficiency Levels: Open to students with Beginner and Intermediate proficiency levels in the Chinese language.
  3. Student Demographics: We strongly encourage applications from students of diverse racial, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds, as well as those from underrepresented communities.
  4. Commitment to Inclusivity: Priority will be given to socio-economically disadvantaged students who represent the ethnic and cultural diversity in the area.
  5. Heritage and Non-Heritage Speakers: Heritage speakers are welcome and will be grouped with non-heritage speakers for a dynamic cultural exchange and collaborative learning experience.
  6. Application Requirements:
    • Submission of a completed application form.
    •  A 200-word statement outlining the student’s interest in the program, previous experiences, and participation motivations.
    • Confirmation of availability for the full duration of the program.
  7. Program Fee: There is no cost for participation, making the program accessible to students of all socio-economic statuses.