All-Gender Restrooms

For those who identify as transgender or non-binary, multi-stall, sex-segregated bathrooms have been a place of discrimination, harassment, fear, physical and emotional harm, and even arrest.

The university has designated all-gender restrooms on campus, which are restrooms designed for one occupant and increase access to a more inclusive option where individuals can meet their basic needs.
All-gender restrooms benefit many individuals seeking a single occupant restroom, including those who identify as transgender or non-binary; those who are intersex; individuals who require privacy to maintain medical devices; those who need or provide assistance to others using the restroom; and families who need to accompany a child to the restroom.

If you are a student leader, administrator, or faculty member at the university, we encourage you to announce all-gender bathroom locations in proximity to your location at events and in your classes at the start of the semester.

All-Gender Restroom Locations Map

Printed version of all-gender restroom maps are available in the SAGE Center