Let's Get Ready

Are you looking for support and tips on how to thrive in college? You don’t have to do it alone!

Neer-Peer Mentoring Program for Sophomore Commuters

Let's Get Ready is a near-peer mentoring program that pairs sophomore students at Southern Connecticut State University,  ages 18-24, with experienced student mentors. What’s a near-peer? It’s someone close in age and experience to a student in the Let’s Get Ready program who can help the student navigate college until they graduate.

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Student on the phone

How It Works

Let’s Get Ready’s college student coaches are available on your phone via text to answer your questions and to offer encouragement along the way. Let's Get Ready also sends out weekly texts reminding students of important dates such as FAFSA renewal, class registration, and finals preparation or offering helpful suggestions on resume building, internships, and time management, or occasionally just checking in on how you are doing. So not only can you text us with questions, we will text you too!

Let’s Get Ready provides eligible Southern students with free college completion support through graduation. Services are led by near-peer college student coaches and are tailored to your college journey. Throughout your time with LGR, you’ll have lots of choices about how you engage with LGR college student coaches, including:

  • Personalized one-on-one goal-setting, accountability, and encouragement from a current college student
  • Mentoring relationship building with current college students who have been in your shoes
  • Text-based completion support
  • College re-enrollment support if you hit any bumps along the way


  • Assigned a real peer mentor, not a bot
  • Text-based and flexible to your schedule – no meetings or phone calls are required
  • Identify and address any academic, social, or financial barriers you may face
  • Free service
  • Opt-out anytime

Let's Get Ready's Impact

Let’s Get Ready has served almost 3,000 Connecticut students since 2003. Connecticut-based students who have participated in Let’s Get Ready are outpacing their peers in college enrollment and graduation, matching national impact trends. Let's Get Ready is on pace to serve over 25,000 students nationally this year.

Sign Up Today

You must be a Southern sophomore student between the ages 18-24. Opt-out anytime. Sign up and a member of the Let's Get Ready team will be in touch with you.

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Graduate at commencement