Starting Spring 2024, the Blackboard landing page is changing.
In the new navigation (referred to as Ultra Base Navigation), the links to different areas of Blackboard will now be on the left side of the screen.

The revised navigation menu will consist of the following key sections:
Institution Page: Provides news and information about Blackboard at Southern.
Profile: Allows users to manage their Blackboard profile and customize notification preferences.
Activity Stream: Allows users to stay informed about recent and upcoming activities across all their courses and organizations.
Courses: Provides access to all courses the user teaches or is enrolled in.
Organizations: Provides access to all the organizations in which the user is enrolled.
Calendar: Provides access to a calendar of all due dates and events related to their courses and organizations.
Messages: Streamline communication by accessing and sending messages from all courses in one unified location.
- For Instructors: See all submitted assignments across all courses and start grading.
- For Students: Instantly check grades for all enrolled courses with a simple click.
Tools: Access various tools located outside of course content, such as the Kaltura Media Gallery.