Anthropology is the scientific study of humanity from a comprehensive, holistic approach -- the study of our physical characteristics as animals (primates) and our unique non-biological characteristics we call culture. It covers humankind from the earliest times to the present, and includes the four subfields: archaeology, biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, and linguistic anthropology.

Where Do Anthropologists Work?
Everywhere! We can be found in American neighborhoods and faraway places, international corporations, hospitals, health agencies, museums, criminology labs, research labs, tourism, resource management, historic and prehistoric preservation, Amnesty International, the Peace Corps, the political arena -- you name it, and we're there. As globalization increases, so does the need for anthropologists.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Anthropology Program at SCSU is to educate students on the principles of anthropological knowledge through critical thinking, reading and writing skills. A strong foundation in anthropology is achieved through classroom participation, individual mentoring, fieldwork opportunities and collaborative scholarly research. Students will acquire the skills needed to achieve success in a diverse and increasingly complex cultural environment through a better understanding of human diversity, contemporary as well as ancient, an advanced knowledge of human evolution, a comprehensive understanding of the challenges facing humanity today, and a broader appreciation for the complexity of culture as it shapes human communities and societies. The program creates a space for students to explore the human condition as they develop a more sophisticated understanding and appreciation of human variation across the globe and through time. Students in this program will be well prepared for advanced education in the discipline or well positioned to integrate anthropological knowledge into their future professional endeavors.