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Day, D. V., & Gregory, J. L. (2017) Mindfulness as a Prerequisite to Effective Leadership; Exploring the Constructs that Foster Productive Use of Feedback for Professional Learning. Interchange, 1-13.

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Raynolds, L.B., López-Velásquez, A.M., & Olivo-Valentín, L. (2017). Exploring English and Spanish rhyme awareness and beginning sound segmentation skills in prekindergarten Spanish-speaking English learners. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 30(4), pp. 719-737. 

Powell, J. & Kelly, A. (2017). Accomplices in the academy in the age of Black Lives Matter. Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis. 

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Yavuz, O., Parzych, J. L. & Generali, M. (accepted, 2017). A systematic approach to exploring high poverty urban schools’ college and career readiness program needs. Education and Urban Society.


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Bower-Phipps, L.A., Klecka, C.L., & Sature, A.L., (2016). Developing mentors: An analysis of shared mentoring practices. The New Educator, 12(3), 289-308.

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Marx, H. (2016). Preparing culturally responsive teachers: An intercultural developmental approach. In Rahatzad, J., Dockrill, H., Suniti, S., & Phillion, J. (Eds.) Internationalizing Teaching and Teacher Education for Equity: Engaging Alternative Knowledges Across Ideological Borders. Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishing.

Marx, H. & Moss, D. M. (2016). It takes a global village: Designing and sustaining an internship-based teacher education study abroad program. In Schlein, C. & Garri, B. (Eds.) Critical and Narrative Intercultural Teaching and Learning Reader. Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishing.

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Mercurio, M. & Mercurio Morse, M. (2016). Becoming Ida Lewis, America’s First Woman Lighthouse Keeper: Biographies Come Alive, In and Out of the Classroom. The New England Journal of History, vol. 72. no. 2, pp.76-91.

Mercurio, M. & Randall, R. (2016). Tributes beyond words: Art educators’ use of textiles to memorialize the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. Journal for Learning Through the Arts, vol. 12. no. 1, pp. 1-16.

Pagirsky, M.S., Koriakin, T.A., Avitia, M., Costa, M., Marchis, L., Maykel, C., Sassu, K., Bray, M. A., & Pan, X. (2016).  Do the kinds of achievement errors made by students diagnosed with ADHD vary as a function of their reading ability? Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 34(6), 1-14. DOI: 10.1177/0734282916669020

Powell, J. (2016). “To Have Better Than I Had”: The Transgenerational Family Pedagogy of an African American Family in the South. Journal of Family Diversity in Education. 2 (2). 

Randall, R.E. & Marangell, J. P. (2016). Improving on past practice: Embracing a new direction in secondary social studies teaching and learning. The History Teacher, 49(3), 383-396.

Randall, R.E., & Mercurio, M. L. (2016). Tributes beyond words: Memorializing the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire through the intersection of art, history and literacy for pre-service educators. Journal for Learning through the Arts: A Research Journal on Arts Integration in Schools and Communities, (12)1, I-16.

Spear-Swerling, L. (Sept 2016). Instructional considerations for students with dyslexia. Targeting the 2% brief, Texas Education Agency and University of Texas at Austin. At

Spear-Swerling, L. (2016a). Listening comprehension, the Cinderella skill: Giving the neglected stepchild her due. Perspectives on Language & Literacy, 42(3), 9-15.

Spear-Swerling, L. (2016b). Common types of reading problems and how to help children who have them. The Reading Teacher, 69(5), 513-522.

Stewart, C., Root, M., Koriakin, T., Choi, D., Luria, S., Bray, M., Sassu, K., Maykel, C., O’Rourke, P. & Courville, T. (2016). Gender differences in students’ errors on math achievement tests. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 1-10. DOI: 10.1177/0734282916669913 

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Bower-Phipps, L., & Marx, H. (2015). Creating a space for teacher candidates committed to urban settings: Action research on the Urban Education Fellows program. Association of Teacher Educators Yearbook XXIV.

Dietrich, C; Snyder, N. & Villani, Christine (Jan 2015). “Bullying Issues Impacting Students with Disabilities: Highlights of Section 1983, Title IX, Section 504, ADA and IDEA Cases.” Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal.

Foss-Kelly, L. L. (2015). Crashing waves activity. In V. Kress and M. Paylo (Eds.), Treating mental disorders: A strength-based, comprehensive approach to case conceptualization and treatment planning. E-text Clinical Toolbox 4.7. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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Marx, H. & Moss, D.M. (2015). Coming home: Continuing intercultural learning during the re-entry semester following a study abroad experience. Journal of International Social Studies, 5(2) 38-52.

McVerry, J. G. (2015). Teaching credibility using Mozilla’s webmaker tools. Connecticut Reading Association Journal

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Mercurio, M. (August, 2015). Past promises kept, present dreams fulfilled, and hopes for the future envisioned (The Road Less Traveled: Original Unrestored to Concourse Trailed. Mustang Times, vol. 8, pp. 58-59.

Pérusse, R., Poynton, T. A., Parzych, J. L., & Goodnough, G. E. (2015). Changes over time in master’s level school counselor education programs. Journal for Counselor Preparation and Supervision. 7(3).

Pérusse, R., Poynton, T. A., Parzych, J. L., & Goodnough, G. E. (2015). The importance and implementation of eight components of college and career readiness counseling in school counselor education programs. Journal of College Access, 1 (1). Available at:

Randall, R. E. (2015). Sensation. Journal of Language and Literacy Education: Poetry & Arts. 11(2).

Randall, R. & Mercurio, M. (November/December 2015). Valuing stuff: Materials, culture and artifactual literacies in the classroom. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, vol. 59, pp. 319-328.

Spear-Swerling, L. (2015). The power of RTI and reading profiles: A blueprint for solving reading problems. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.

Spear-Swerling, L., Lopes, J., Oliveira, C., & Zibulsky, J. (2015). How Portuguese and American teachers plan for literacy instruction. Annals of Dyslexia, 66(1), 71-90.

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Raynolds, L. B., & Uhry, J. K. (May, 2013). Long vowel representations in the invented spellings of Spanish-English bilingual kindergarteners. Reading and Writing, 26(5), 647-664. 

Marx, H. & Moss, D. M. (2011). Please mind the culture gap: Intercultural development during a teacher education study abroad program. Journal of Teacher Education. 62(1) 35-47.

Bower-Phipps, L (2017, April). “Be who you are, love who you love:” Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and asexual preservice teachers’ responses to heteronormativity. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.

Bower-Phipps, L. (2017, February). “Educate, acknowledge, and support:” Supporting gay, lesbian, and bisexual teacher candidates. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL.

Bower-Phipps, L., Smyth, A., Fasoli, M., Harmon, R., Hesse, M. Marx, H., Powell, J., & Sinclair, M. (2017, February). Inspiring activism in teacher candidates committed to urban settings through the urban education fellows program. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL.

Bower-Phipps, L., Powell, J., Austin, S., Bresh, D., & Kurker-Stewart, D. (2017, April). “Why can’t we all wear tiaras?”: Envisioning queer pedagogy in early childhood classrooms. Presented at the annual meeting of the New England Educational Research Organization.

Bower-Phipps, L., Smyth, A., Fasoli, M. Harmon, R., Hesse, M., Marx, H., Powell, J. Sinclair, M. (2017). Inspiring Activism in Teacher Candidates Committed to Urban Settings through the Urban Education Fellows Program. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), Tampa, FL. February 2017.

Bray, L., Wei, Y., Sinclair, A., & Clancy, E., C (April, 2017). Lessons from Middle School Teachers on Providing Literacy Instruction within Co-Taught Classrooms. Presentation at the annual meeting of Council for Exceptional Children. Boston, MA.

Castano, E., Foss-Kelly, L., Protivnak, J., & Kish, M. (2017, March). Leaders listen: Understanding and advocating for the complex needs of master’s students. CSI Days 2017 American Counseling Association/Chi Sigma Iota Poster Sessions. San Francisco, CA.

Dahir, C., Yavuz, O., Owen, L., Parzych, J. L., Oliver, B., Generali, M. (2017, April). Rising to the challenge: College and career readiness for all. Presentation given at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Ginicola, M. M. (2017). The church, the closet, and the couch: The intersection of religion and the LGBTQ Population. American Counseling Association Annual Conference at San Francisco, CA. 3/19/17.

Ginicola, M. M., & Smith, C. (2017). Best practices and resources for counseling transgender youth. Connecticut Counseling Association at Mystic, CT. 5/5/17.

Ginicola, M. M. (2017). Building multicultural competence with LGBTQI+ clients. Professional Development for NAFI CT at Farmington, CT. 5/11/17.

Ginicola, M. M., & Filmore, J. (2017). Affirmative Counseling with LGBTQI+ clients. Illuminate Conference sponsored by American Counseling Association at Washington DC. 6/10/17.

Ginicola, M. M. (2017). Cultivating leadership skills with the Mutt-i-grees Curriculum. Invited speaker at Fenton School at Sun Valley, CA. 8/10/17.

Gregory, J. L. (2017, April). New England Educational Research Organization (NEERO) Annual Conference, "Viewing Connecticut’s SEED teacher evaluation model through the lenses of self-determination, and school characteristics," Paper presented at NEERO, Portsmouth, NH.

Kim, H. J. (2017). Internship in the Master of Library and Information Science. Paper presented at the Council of Connecticut Academic Library Directors (CCALD) meeting, Quinnipiac University Law School, North Haven, CT.

Kim, H. J., Bogel, G, & Bielefield, A. (2017). Testing the Waters: SCSU Student Internships. Paper presented at the 126th Connecticut Library Association Annual Conference, Groton, CT.

Kim, H. J., Geary, C. A., & Bielefield, A. (2017). Bullying in the Library Workplace. Paper presented at the CSCU Faculty Research Conference, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT.

Lopez-Velasquez, A., Marx, H. (2017). Context for Bilingual Educators. Paper presented at the UPR Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. March 2017.

López-Velásquez, A.M., & García, G.E. (2017). The bilingual reading practices of two Hispanic first-graders. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX, April 27th- May 1st, San Antonio, TX.

López-Velásquez, A.M., González, Y., Rodríguez, J., Raynolds, L. B., Marx, H., & Schmitt, E. (2017). The School Success of Spanish-Speaking English Learners in K-12: Perspectives from Puerto Rico and the State of Connecticut. Presentation at the Puerto Rican Conference on Research and Education, Universidad de Puerto Rico-Río Piedras, March 8th-10th, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Mercurio, M. & Randall, R. & Mercurio Morse, M. (2017). Valuing artifactual literacies: The purposeful stuff of all content area subjects. Paper presented at the NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) Annual Convention. Atlanta, GA. November 17-20, 2016.

Mercurio, M. & Mercurio Morse, M. (2017). How they became US: Teaching immigration through individual inquiry-based learning. Paper presented at the NCSS (National Council for the Social Studies) 96th Annual Conference. Washington, D.C. December 2-4, 2016.

Moss. D. M. & Marx, H. (2017). Preparing Teachers with Global Competencies: Internationalizing Curriculum and Pedagogy for Educational Change. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Antonio, TX. April 2017.

Parzych, J. L. (2017, January). Advocating for your school counseling program. Presentation given at the Connecticut School Counselor Association (CSCA) New Counselor Symposium, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT

Parzych, J. L., & Generali, M. (2017, March). Issues affecting the counseling profession. Presentation Given at the Connecticut School Counselor Association (CSCA) Annual Conference, University of New Haven, New Haven, CT

Parzych, Jennifer, Yavuz, Olcay (April, 2017). Parent, Student, and Faculty Perceptions of College and Career Readiness: Exploring School Counseling Program Needs. American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) 2017 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

Pereira, C., Sanchez-Llaury, T., Kinsella-Shaw, M. & Marx, H. (2017). No walls here: Assisting our undocumented students. Presentation at the Shared Governance and Student Success Conference. New Britain, CT. April 2017.

Powell, J., Bower-Phipps, L., Bivona, M., Harmon, R., & Olcot, A. (2017, November). [Re]membering gender in early childhood education. To be presented at the American Educational Studies Association annual conference, Pittsburgh, PA. 

Sassu. K. A. (2017, February). Executive function and Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Schools. Invited presentation delivered at the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities Westchester Autism Conference, Tarrytown, NY.

Spear-Swerling, L. Two “big ideas” for helping at-risk and struggling readers. Keynote address, North Carolina State Improvement Project Spring Conference, Greensboro, NC, March 2017.

Spear-Swerling, L., Bean, K., & Eren, R. Using reading profiles to understand the literacy needs of students with ASD. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, Boston, MA, April 2017.

Wei, Y. & Bean, K., (Scheduled in October, 2017). What to Teach and How to Teach in Tier Three Classrooms. Council for Learning Disabilities, Baltimore.

Yavuz, Olcay (March 2017). A School Counseling Framework for Advancing Social Justice in K-12 Schools, Annual Conference of Connecticut School Counselor Association (CSCA), West Haven, CT

Yavuz, O., Parzych, J. L., & Generali, M. (2017, April). Designing and delivering equity-based college and career readiness programs for urban schools. Presentation given at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Yavuz, Olcay (April, 2017). Evidence-based Practice: A Comprehensive Counseling Program for Leading to Every Urban Student’s College Readiness and Access. American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) 2017 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

Yavuz, Olcay, Madonia, Peter (April, 2017). Preparing High Performing School Leaders: Implication for Law, Policy and Practice. New England Educational Research Organization (NEERO) 2016 Annual Conference. Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Day, D. V. & Gregory, J. L. (October, 2016). Making an Impact – Effectively Communicating the Results of Educational Research, "Mindfulness as a Prerequisite to Effective Leadership; Exploring the Constructs that Foster Effective Communication," Paper presented at the Northeastern Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Trumbull, CT.

Gregory, J.L., Lamonica, A. & Warner, H. (2016, May). Technology Tools to Activate Student Learning in The Classroom and Facilitate Writing Research. 2017 Teaching Academy, New Haven, CT.

Kim, H. J. (2016). Getting Ahead of the Game: SCSU’s New Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) Program. Paper presented at the 2016 CLA Support Staff Professional Development Conference, West Hartford, CT.

Kim, H. J., Bogel, G, & Bielefield, A. (2016). Reaching for the Future: Reflections on SCSU’s Newly Developed Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) Program. Paper presented at the 125th Connecticut Library Association Annual Conference, Hartford, CT.

Marx, H. & Moss, D. (2016). Critical and narrative perspectives on intercultural teaching: The design of an internship-based teacher education study abroad program. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Washington, DC. April, 2016.

O’Brien, R., Gelbar, N., Bray, M.A., Sassu, K., & O’Rourke, P. (2016, November). A Comparison of the Errors 
Made by Identified Gifted Students to Similar, but Non-identified Students on the KTEA-3. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Orlando, FL.

Parzych, J. L. (2016, December). Solution focused counseling in schools: Evidence-based techniques when time is limited. Keynote Speaker for Westchester-Putnam-Rockland Counselor Association (WPRCA) Conference, Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY

Raynolds, L. B., Gregory, J. L., & Stutzman, W. J. (2016, July). Developing a tablet-based music perception test to predict reading disabilities in young ELL children. Interactive paper presentation at the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. Porto, Portugal.

Raynolds, L.B., López-Velásquez, A.M., & Olivio-Valentin, L. (2016). English rhyme and beginning sound awareness skills in Spanish-English bilingual prekindergarten children. Paper presented at the meeting of the Literacy Research Association, November 30th – December 3rd, Nashville, TN.

Sassu, K. A. (2016, March). Executive function in autism spectrum disorder. Speech presented at the 26th Annual Bridging Communities Conference on Autism. New Haven, CT.

Sassu, K. A. (2016, October). Practical approaches to improving executive function in individuals with autism. Invited presentation delivered at the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities’ 16th Annual Autism Conference, Albany, NY.

Spear-Swerling, L. A math field work experience for preservice teachers. Invited presentation for the OSEP Project Directors’ Conference, Washington, DC, August 2016.

Spear-Swerling, L. Using diagnostic assessment to identify and plan interventions for students with different types of reading problems. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Dyslexia Association, Orlando, FL, October 2016.

Wei, Y., Lombardi, A., Simonsen, B., et al., (2016, April). Investigation of an Embedded Planning Tool for Tier Three Literacy Instruction. Poster Presentation at the 2016 AERA Annual Conference. Washington, DC.

Wei, Y., & Faggella-Luby, M (2016, October). Reading Motivation for Students with Learning Disabilities. Poster Presentation at the 38th International Conference on Learning Disabilities, San Antonio, TX.

Yavuz, Olcay, (October, 2016). Preparing and Developing Connecticut Pre‐Service Principals as Instructional Leaders, Annual Conference of Northeastern Educational Research Association (NERA), Trumbull, CT.

Yavuz, O., Labas, G., Arafeh, S., Verdi, T. (April, 2016). Building a College Going Culture through High-Quality PD Model. College Board, Prepárate: Educating Latinos for the Future of America Annual Conference. New York, NY.

Yavuz, O., Labas, G., Arafeh, S., Verdi, T. (April, 2016). Improving Student Success through Building a Community-Wide Leadership Team. New England Educational Research Organization (NEERO) 2016 Annual Conference. Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Foss-Kelly, L. L. (2015, March). Beyond risk containment: The suicidal crisis as a springboard for growth. Content session presented at the American Counseling Association. Orlando, FL.

Generali, M., & Foss-Kelly, L. L. (2015, October). Empathy, pity, or judgment: Exploring attitudes about poverty. Content session presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference. Philadelphia, PA.

Generali, M., & Foss-Kelly, L. L. (2015, April). Supporting the new counselor: Strategies for clinical supervision. Content session presented at the Connecticut Counseling Association Annual Conference. Waterbury, CT. Major, P. & Mercurio, M. (2015). Making meaningful and individualized choices. Program assessments and SPA reports. Paper presented at AACTE (American Association for Colleges of Teachers of Education) 68th Annual Conference Las Vegas, NV, February 23-25, 2016.

López-Velásquez, A.M., Raynolds, L.B., & Randall, R., Emerling C., & Oost-Lievense, R. (2015). Monolingual reading teachers gain a bilingual perspective to better support the literacy development of culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Paper presented at the meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Carlsbad, CA.

Mercurio, M. & Mercurio Morse, M. (2015). Becoming Ida Lewis: Young children as history detectives- Biographies come alive! Presentation at NCSS (National Council of Social Studies) 95th Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA, November 13-14, 2015.

Protivnak, J., & Foss-Kelly, L. L. (2015, October). Voices from the desks: Results of a national study on the experiences of master’s level counseling students. Poster session presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference. Philadelphia, PA.

Sassu, K. A., Bray, M. A., LaSalle, T., Sanetti, L. H., & Proctor, S. (2015, August). Evaluating professional dispositions within graduate training programs. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada.

Spear-Swerling, L. Helping students with dyslexia and other reading problems: Combining RTI with knowledge about reading profiles. Keynote address, Iowa Education Summit, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, May 2015.

López-Velásquez, A.M., & Martínez-Alvarez, P. (2014). Boundary crossing in higher education: Exploring possibilities for bilingual special education preparation programs. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Labas, G. (2010, July). International presentation at the 3rd Paris International Conference on Education - Rappel Conférence Internationale Education. Re-thinking University - District Partnerships. 

Labas, G. (2010, February). Arizona State University National Alliance for Equity: Developing a Collaborative Action Research Plan. 

Labas, G. (2010, May). American Education Research Association. Challenging the Poverty of Learning with School Districts-University Partnerships: A College-Readiness Program 

Bower-Phipps, L., & Powell, J. (2017). Connecticut State University Research Grant. Gender in Early Childhood Classrooms: A Participatory Action Research Project. $7425.

Harvey, R., Keenan, E., Hutchinson, B., & Bower-Phipps, L. (2017). SCSU Faculty Development Grant. Narrative 4: Facilitating Empathy Across Difference. $3760.

Marx, H. (2017). An exploratory study of study abroad instructional practices used to support pre-service teachers’ development of intercultural competence. CSU-AAUP Faculty Research Grant. (Awarded, $3712.50)

Connecticut State University Research Grant: “If and When Time Allows: The Independent Pleasure Reading Habits of Teacher Candidates,” $8910, awarded April 2017 (Co-investigators: Dr. Yan Wei and Dr. Mia Mercurio)

Nabbout-Cheiban, M., López-Velásquez, A.M., & Bogle, G.A. (2017). CSU-AAUP Faculty Research Grant 2017-2018. (Granted, $10,000).

CSU-AAUP Faculty Research Grant- 2017-2018
Principal: Dr. Spear-Swerling, Co-Investigators: Dr. Mia Mercurio, Dr. Yan Wei
Award: $8910
In And When Time Allows: The Independent Pleasure Reading Habits of Teacher Candidates.

Kim, H. J. (2016). MakerSpaces in University Libraries. The 2016-2017 Connecticut State University Research Grant, New Haven, CT.

Parzych, J. ASCA Research Grant (2017) American School Counselor Association $10,000. Project Title: A Study to Measure the Impact of School Counselor Ratios on Student Outcomes. Project Director; responsible for 33% of project.

Parzych, J. Curriculum Related Advisory Committee Grant Award (2017) Southern Connecticut State University $3,000.00. Project Title: Video Learning Modules to Enhance Educational Leadership Training: Understanding the Role of Comprehensive School Counseling Programming and its Impact on Student Success. Responsible for 50% of project.

Schmitt, E., Marx, H. (2017). Co Collaborations in Bilingual Education. SCSU Faculty Development Grant. Southern Connecticut State University (awarded, $2000.00)

Yavuz, Olcay, Principal Investigator/Author, SCSU Faculty Creative Activity Research Grant, Using SPSS and Statistics to Improve Higher Education Faculty’s Scholarship and Teaching, $2,600.00 funded and received (2017-2018)

Yavuz, Olcay, Co-Principal Investigator/Co-Author, Preparing and Inspiring STEM Education Leaders through Utilizing Evidence-Based STEM e-Portfolio System Curriculum Related Project Grant, $4,000.00 funded and received (2017-2018)

Yavuz, Olcay, Principal Investigator/Author, SCSU Faculty Creative Activity Research Grant, Measuring the Impact of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Leadership Academy $2,500.00 funded and received (2017-2018)

Parzych, J. Faculty Development Advisory Committee Grant Award (2016) Southern Connecticut State University $2,500.00. Project Title: Building the school counselor-principal relationship to increase student achievement. Responsible for 33% of project. 

Yavuz, Olcay, Principal Investigator/Author, SCSU Faculty Development Grant, Empowering Faculty to Make Ethical and Legal Decisions in Higher Education Teaching, Learning and Advising. $3,000.00 funded and received (2016-2017)

Foss-Kelly, L. L. (2015-2016). Curriculum Related Activities Grant. CSP 571 and 554: Implementation of 2016 accreditations standards and online learning. ($2,000).

Foss-Kelly, L. L. (2015-2016). Research Reassigned Time of 3 credit hours, awarded by SCSU School of Education. Grant Program: Perspectives of counseling masters students: Benefits and challenges of personal growth.

López-Velásquez, A.M.; & Faraclas, K. (2015). Southern CT State University Faculty Creative Activity Research Grants for the 2016-17 (AY 17) Competition. (Granted, $2,500).

Yavuz, Olcay, Co-Principal Investigator/Co-Author, SCSU Faculty Development Grant, Building School Counselor-Principal Relationship to Impact Student Achievement and School Effectiveness. $2,500.00 funded and received (2015-2016)

Bower-Phipps, L., Todaro, A., Marx, H. (2014). Southern/New Haven Academy for Professional Development (SNAP) Colloquia for Teacher Educators. SCSU Faculty Development Grant. Southern Connecticut State University (awarded, $2500.00)

Foss-Kelly, L. L. (2014). American Counseling Association, Alexandria, VA: Leadership Training Institute Grant ($600)

Marx, H. (2013). Reflecting on Urban Teachers: Using Cooperative Inquiry to Improve Practice. SCSU University Research Grant Award. Southern Connecticut State University. (awarded, $4150.00).

López-Velásquez, A.M., & Alfano, M. P. (2012). Exploring the pedagogical intersection of special education and English language learner education in the Department of Special Education and Reading and in the TESOL & Bilingual Education program. Southern CT State University Faculty Creative Activity Research Grants (Granted $2,500)