Help and Accessibility Resources

If you are a learner looking for help navigating your Blackboard Course, please see these resources:
Learner Resources

If you are a trainer looking for Blackboard support, please see these resources:
Trainer Resources

Accessibility Services 

Southern Connecticut State University and the Office of Workforce and Lifelong Learning are responsible for ensuring access to all qualified learners and providing reasonable accommodations for learners with documented disabilities.  

If you are an OWLL learner in need of accommodations, contact Ted Donahue, Associate Director of Accessibility Services, at 203-392-6826 or You should reach out PRIOR to enrolling for any OWLL training. Please be sure to identify yourself as a learner through OWLL. 

Blackboard Accessibility Service | For Students



How do I register for training?
Directions can be found on our registration page.

I signed up for online training - how do I get to my course?
If your training is through OWLL, you will find your class here

  • If your training has a specific start date, the training will not be accessible until that date. 
  • If your training does not have a specific start date, you can access it immediately.

If your training is through one of our partners, you will receive directions on accessing your course as soon as your complete the payment process.