The School of Business is a state-of-the-art facility, with classrooms and a high-tech trading room, conducive to collaboration, student-faculty interaction, active-learning, and entrepreneurial thinking.

Students have opportunities in experiential learning, research, and mentoring through interactions with faculty, staff, and industry. Our students are studying abroad, attending accounting conferences in England, participating in the World Merit Conference in Morocco, and managing a student financial trading team. Our strong connections to the business community provide many opportunities for high-quality, substantive internships, which, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), is the top indicator of job success.
Our dedicated team in the Business Success Center provides career-readiness programming and services to students and alumni including professional development workshops, academic advisement, a women's mentoring and leadership program, resume support and interview preparation. Students are provided with a strong academic foundation, which is enhanced by professional programming that addresses the "soft skills" employers demand: creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and competency.
We are proud to teach and learn in a building that received LEED Gold Certification, as well as the State of Connecticut Power of Change Award, recognizing the university’s efforts toward environmental sustainability. We deliver high-quality, hands-on education and experience that prepare our graduates for their roles in the workplace with a focus on People, Planet and Profits, or the “triple bottom line.” Faculty and students engage in sustainability projects which support the university’s goal and provide real-world learning experiences.
Plans for a new, larger School of Business building are well underway. The project has been moved into the design phase, and we are working with OakPark Architects for our future home located on the corner of Wintergreen and Farnham Avenues.
Mission and Vision
As New Haven’s urban, public School of Business, we transform the lives of a diverse student population through business education and research. We fulfill our mission through our core values and guiding principles.
Core Values
Excellence — We promote intellectual rigor; creativity and innovation; community engagement; and a climate of civility, respect, and inclusion.
Teaching — We engage students from a variety of academic and professional perspectives to develop critical thinking, ethical behavior, professional skills, and a commitment to life-long learning.
Scholarship — We conduct applied, theoretical, and pedagogical research.
Community Engagement — We engage with and positively impact stakeholders, on- and off-campus.
Guiding Principles
Conscious Capitalism — We embrace the notion that business can be a force for good.
Social Justice — We believe that students of all ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, and socio-economic statuses have the same right to higher education.
Sustainability — We support the United Nations’ 17 goals of sustainable development.
Value Proposition
At Southern Connecticut State University’s School of Business, we offer a high-quality, affordable education in a welcoming and inclusive environment where you can be yourself and become even more.

Employment Opportunities After Graduation
Graduates have launched their careers at businesses large and small. A few of the employers who have hired our graduates include the following:
- Sikorsky
- Dworken, Hillman, Laporte & Sterczala PC
- LaMorte & Sterczala PC
- McGladrey and Pullen • RSM
- Deloitte and Touche
- PriceWaterhouseCoopers PwC
- Marcum LLP
- Affinion Group
- Framtek
- Liberty National Life Insurance
- Caesar’s Entertainment Group
- EY
- Blum Shapiro
- Hartford Healthcare
Our Initiatives
The School of Business educates tomorrow’s business leaders, sharing knowledge of management and the business environment and addressing critical problems facing business and society. Some of these initiatives include:
- Our Women's Leadership program is designed to provide female business students with the co-curricular experiences necessary for a smooth transition to the business world. The lack of equity in the workplace for women establishes the need for a leadership program that will allow our women students to be better prepared to enter the business world as a businesswoman. In order to create an opportunity for women business students to connect with local and regional women business leaders and partner with employers, our program is offered through the generous funding of Lindy Lee Gold.
- Launch of a Public Utility Management program, in collaboration with the Regional Water Authority and Gateway Community College, to prepare students to fill projected managerial and technological job openings in the public utility industry as it faces an aging workforce, looming retirements, outdated infrastructure, additional regulations, and heightened financial burdens.
- VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program where students, who are trained to provide assistance to low-income residents.